The CNIL has sanctioned Google up to 150 million euros for non compliant cookie banners. Now Google is going to update their cookie consent banners to meet the compliance requirements.
‘Deny all button’ added
Earlier this year, the French data protection authority, Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés or CNIL fined Google for using non-compliant cookie consent banners on their websites. TechCrunch reports that Google now plans to adjust the cookie consent banners for their services in order to comply with the CNIL requirements, starting with YouTube. The previous cookie banners from Google websites only offered the user to accept all tracking technologies or to customize their preferences on the first layer of their consent solution. Another issue that will be resolved is that user should not be needing to opt-out three times anymore. Google is now making it easier to deny / withdraw consent.
Read the TechCrunch article
Below you can see a screenshot of the new banner configurations that are being rolled out.
We have written an article based on the NOYB guidelines for proper consent settings for CMPs. It includes also the recommendation for adding a Deny button on the first layer of the banner. Read more here.