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Borlabs Cookie Alternative for cookie consent management | CookieFirst

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and European Court of Justice (ECJ) make expectations for businesses to maintain user data protections clear. Solutions like Borlabs Cookie have sought to make it easier for uninitiated organizations to simplify their compliance through all-in-one tools. But while these solutions have been widely accepted for their effectiveness, they do come at the cost of quite a few caveats. Challenges like incompatibility, high price-points, and a steep learning-curve have made seamless compliance inaccessible for many businesses – especially small to medium sized ones.

That’s where the CookieFirst consent management platform comes in.

CookieFirst is a GDPR and ePrivacy compliant cookie consent management solution that offers the same features and benefits of products like Borlabs Cookie, but without the same drawbacks. Our Borlabs Cookie alternative is designed to be affordable, easy-to-use, and versatilely compatible, and is the only tool you’ll ever need to remain GDPR and CCPA compliant.

Borlabs Cookie alternative - With CookieFirst, you can manage your third-party tracking scripts.

Borlabs Cookie alternative | CookieFirst's CMP provides an audit trail of a user's consent changes.

Cookies at a Glance: What are Cookies and How do They Work?

Cookies are a type of text file. They’re created and cached every time you access a website with the purpose of collecting and remembering data from that visit. While cookies generally perform the same function, they do come in different forms and with varying levels of importance. Some cookies, for example, are absolutely necessary to maintaining a website’s operational components, while others are added through the use of third-party integrations. It’s important to understand the distinction between these types, as not all fall under the same compliance regulations.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

First-Party Cookies

First-party cookies are created by the website you’re visiting. They allow you to store data that pertains only to your current session on that specific domain. No data is shared with any other party, and these cookies are generally considered harmless.

First-party cookies are absolutely essential to the functioning of many websites. Common examples of this type of cookie in action include log in pages and eCommerce carts. Without them, these features would be unavailable or severely limited in their functionality.

Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies are created by domains other than the one you’re currently visiting. They allow for cross-website data collection, meaning that information can be gathered and stored from multiple sources. This is the type of cookie that’s most often used for targeted advertising, as it allows businesses to track your behavior across the internet and serve you personalized ads.

Third-party cookies can pose a privacy risk, as they allow businesses to collect data without the user’s knowledge or consent. They’re also much more difficult to control, as they can’t be blocked without blocking all cookies from all domains – something that would significantly hinder the internet browsing experience.

The Difference Between Session and Persistent Cookies

In addition to first and third-party distinctions, cookies are also classified as either session or persistent. Session cookies are only active for the duration of your visit to a website and are then deleted once you close your browser. Persistent cookies, on the other hand, remain on your device for a set amount of time (or until you delete them manually).

Session cookies are typically used to store data that’s necessary for the functioning of a website but isn’t needed to be remembered long-term. Persistent cookies are often used for things like user preferences and login information, as this data is needed every time you visit the site.

For more information about cookies, take a look at our page: What are cookies ?

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Cookie consent and its legal status

Countless international and domestic data privacy laws regulate the use of cookies and how websites administer them. In virtually all cases, they require that businesses obtain users’ consent for those that are not essential to a page’s proper functioning.

The main (and most efficient) way this can be done is through an opt-in panel. Tools like Borlabs Cookie Alternative allow organizations to implement a cookie banner on their website or online store that give users the option to agree to or reject the use of cookies. But with this ultra-simple approach comes a few potential challenges. A lack of flexibility and customization can make it difficult to ensure that only the cookies that need consent are being covered, and users may find the experience intrusive or disruptive.

CookieFirst CMP, as a Borlabs Cookie alternative, has been designed to solve these issues and more. It offers a wide range of customization options to give website administrators the ability to seamlessly implement and manage a compliance model suited to their specific needs.

CookieFirst’s Borlabs Cookie Alternative and the Many Advantages It Offers

CookieFirst’s solution to cookie consent management is a welcome solution to those who are frustrated with existing tools and their barriers to value. It reimagines the entire process, making it simpler and more efficient for both website administrators and end users.

Here are just some of the many benefits to choosing CookieFirst CMP’s Borlabs Cookie Alternative:

Enhanced User Experience – Borlabs Cookie Alternative

User Experience, otherwise abbreviated as UX, refers to how a person feels when interacting with a digital product or service. Good UX is essential for any website that wants to keep users engaged and coming back for more.

Traditional cookie banners are designed for one thing and one thing only: obtaining consent. They negate the importance of having a seamless user experience and often disrupt the flow of a website, resulting in users feeling frustrated or annoyed.
CookieFirst’s Borlabs Cookie Alternative offers a number of features that are designed to create a better user experience, such as:

  • Adaptable color schemes
  • Flexible formatting options
  • Customizable text

Optimization of Acceptance and Bounce Rates

Bounce rates are one of the most important metrics when it comes to website performance. They refer to the percentage of people who leave a site after only viewing one page. A high bounce rate is often indicative of poor UX or content that doesn’t match up with what was advertised.

It’s also a common product of incohesive cookie consent solutions. If a cookie banner is not properly integrated into the design of a website, it will stick out like a sore thumb and drive users away.

With CookieFirst’s cookie banner, you can be sure that your website’s acceptance rate will improve. Thanks to its many customization options, the banner can be made to blend in with the rest of your website, ensuring that users won’t even notice it’s there. What’s more, subscription with CookieFirst means that you’ll always have access to the metrics behind the changes you’re making to your website. This valuable data will help you to optimize your website for the best possible results.

 Adaptable Text Content | Borlabs Cookie Alternative

CookieFirst’s consent banner is easily adaptable and customizable to your specific needs. It offers a pre-made, legally compliant disclosure in over 45 languages and also gives you the ability to insert your own content and terms.

You can choose to create a separate page for your cookie policy if you would like and you can use our cookie policy generator to create it in over 45 languages.

Intuitive Operation

Our Borlabs Cookie tool alternative is noticeably easier to use than other products of its kind on the market. CookieFirst has been specifically designed with website administrators in mind, and as such, it offers a number of features that make it easy to operate, including:

  • A user-friendly interface
  • Step-by-step guide
  • Integrated support

Simple Integration

CookieFirst is the perfect Borlabs Cookie alternative for many reasons, but what is perhaps the most valuable is its seamless integrability with existing technology. Our solution was purposefully built with the intent to work in tandem with other products, so that website administrators can easily add it to their toolkit without any hassle.

CookieFirst, as a Borlabs Cookie alternative, is compatible with stationary websites, responsive designs and even those that use Angular JS or React JS. It also works with common store systems, tag managers and all Google products, including Google Ads, AdSense, Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.

CookieFirst offers all kinds of integrations and plugins (for example a Cookie Consent WordPress plugin) and is compatible with virtually every web technology available. Also, CookieFirst integrates with Google Consent Mode, a privacy friendly way for using Google Analytics.

Advantages for Visitors and Customers | Borlabs Cookie Alternative

While cookie management tools like CookieFirst CMP have been specifically designed for website operators, they aren’t short on advantages for users. In fact, the following benefits are just some of the many reasons why people might appreciate being able to manage their cookies:

Better Privacy Protection
As has been proven with the passing of prominent laws like the GDPR, today’s consumers want and expect their privacy to be respected. With a cookie management tool in place, they’re given more control over how their information is used and collected. This increased transparency and choice results in a higher level of trust between user and website.

Enhanced Security
Cookies have been known to be exploited in the past for malicious purposes. However, when users are given the ability to manage their cookies, they’re also given the ability to block any that they don’t trust. This results in a more secure browsing experience for everyone.

Improved User Experience
By giving users the ability to manage their cookies, you’re also giving them the ability to improve their experience on your website. For example, if they know that they won’t be bothered by any unwanted cookies, they’re more likely to stick around and explore what you have to offer. And if they already know that they can easily block any cookies that they don’t want, they’re more likely to visit your website in the first place.

Higher SERP Rankings
It’s no secret that Google takes user experience into account when determining SERP rankings. So, by giving users a better experience on your website, you’re also giving your website a better chance of ranking higher in search results. This can be extremely valuable for any business that wants to increase its online visibility, and of course, more convenient for customers who are looking for what you have to offer.

More Conversions
In the online business world, trust equates to sales. If users don’t trust your website, they’re not going to want to do business with you. However, if they know that their privacy is respected and their data is being used responsibly, they’re much more likely to convert. Responsibility in cookie management through a CMP means creating an environment in which consumers feel confident in providing you with their information and business.

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How CookieFirst’s Borlabs Cookie Alternative Seamlessly Adapts to Different Systems

Responsiveness refers to a website’s ability to adapt its layout to the device that is being used to view it. This is an important factor for any website, as more and more people are now using mobile devices to surf the web.

CookieFirst is fully responsive and can be easily integrated into any website, regardless of its design. It will automatically detect the user’s device and adjust the layout accordingly. This ensures that users always have a clear understanding of what they are and aren’t consenting to and that your business remains compliant with people and devices of all types.

International Orientation: CookieFirst’s Prioritization of Multilingual Support
The internet knows no borders, and it’s reasonable to expect that some of your website’s visitors may not all speak the same language.

CookieFirst offers a multilingual user interface that can be easily translated into over 40 different languages. This ensures that all of your website’s users are able to read critical information like privacy notices and cookie descriptions in a language that they understand.

What’s more, CookieFirst can also be used to create country-specific versions of your website. This is perfect for businesses that are targeting multiple countries or regions and need to ensure that they are compliant with the laws of each one.

Virtually Unlimited Design Options
What makes CookieFirst a true Borlabs Cookie alternative – and let’s face it, upgrade – is the fact that it offers an unprecedented amount of design customization.

With CookieFirst, you have complete control over how your cookie consent notice looks. You can choose from a wide range of pre-designed templates or create your own completely custom notice. Change the colors, font, and add your business logo, it’s all up to you.

You can also decide where you want the notice to be displayed on your page and how it should behave when users interact with it. And if you want to get really creative, you can even use our preconfigured boilerplate code to create a notice that’s completely unique to your website.

The possibilities are virtually endless, and with CookieFirst, you’re sure to find a cookie consent solution that perfectly fits your business’s needs.

Integrated Cookie Crawlers – Borlabs Cookie Alternative

CookieFirst comes with an integrated cookie scanner that will automatically scan your website for cookies and trackers. This ensures that all of your website’s cookies are properly categorized and that users are always aware of what they’re consenting to. It also takes the stress of worrying whether your site is compliant off your shoulders; with our cookie crawler, you’ll receive regular updates on your site’s compliance status.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Really Need a Cookie Management Platform?

Short answer: yes!
Longer answer: While the law doesn’t specifically require businesses to use a cookie management platform, not having one could put you at risk of being fined or even sued. Unless you’re personally an expert on data privacy laws and trust your skills enough to bank your website’s viability on it, a CMP is a well-warranted investment.

Does CookieFirst Update Cookie Banners Automatically?

CookieFirst prioritizes staying on top of changes in both privacy law and technology. That’s why we update our platform regularly with the latest information on both. This way, you can be confident that your website will always be compliant – no matter what changes come down the pipe.

Is CookieFirst as a CMP Suitable for Online Stores?

Yes! As a Borlabs Cookie alternative, The CookieFirst CMP easily integrates with a number of major eCommerce platforms, including Shopware, Magento Shopify, Prestashop and many more.

Can Individual Cookies Be Selected and Deselected in the Cookie Banner?

With CookieFirst, users always have the ability to select or deselect individual cookies. Our consent script is purposefully written to be as user-friendly as possible, ensuring that users always know exactly what they’re consenting to.

Axeptio alternative | CookieFirst is a cookie consent management platform (CMP)


Get consent with our Borlabs Cookie Alternative before loading third party tracking scripts

CookieFirst aims to make ePrivacy and GDPR compliance easy and quick to implement. The CookieFirst platform offers third-party script and consent management, statistics, periodic cookie scans, automated cookie declaration, banner customization, multiple language options, and more. Avoid large fines and get consent before loading third-party tracking scripts — try CookieFirst!