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CookieFirst supports Google Consent Mode v2 – More conversions. Better data. Increase your ROI with Google Consent Mode v2 & CookieFirst.

Google launched its new Consent Mode v1 on September 3, 2020. It is a disruptive innovation that makes consent the determining condition that defines how Google’s services, Google Analytics and Google Ads will be executed.

Now since March 2024 the use of Consent Mode v2 is mandatory for every website or app that uses Google services like Google Analytics 4, Google Ads or other services. 

The importance is that you make sure that you send the correct signals to Google in order to get the most out of your data and conversions.

Google Consent Mode integrates with the CookieFirst CMP

CookieFirst has been working for a sustainable and balanced digital economy, in which businesses that depend on personal data can coexist with transparency and respect for the individual privacy of users.

Google’s new Consent Mode v2 is a historic improvement in that direction, and we are happy and proud that our consent management platform already integrates with this solution.

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Consent Mode v2 integration with CookieFirst

Our integration to Google Consent Mode is fully ready to use, works seamlessly, and can be implemented into your Google Ads and your Google Analytics with a few small adjustments.

Google Consent Mode / CookieFirst integration offers you the following:

  • Quick and easy compliance with the GDPR for your site
  • Top-of-the-line consent management and cookie scanner
  • The new tag settings for operating with Google’s services that is based on consent of your visitors
  • Non-identifiable and aggregated data from visitors who don’t give consent for using statistical cookies
  • Showing contextual advertising instead of targeted advertising for visitors who don’t give their consent for using marketing cookies


Implementing Consent Mode v2 is easy and fast with CookieFirst it can be done within minutes depending on whether you use Google Tag Manager or gtag.js approach. We even have a non-code implementation for even faster setup times.

“Consent is becoming a more and more important and integral part of the digital world. We need to find a new balance between online privacy on the one hand and the possibility of digital advertising on the other. Making digital presences sustainable and compliant with our CMP has been our mission from the start”


Get consent before loading third party tracking scripts

CookieFirst aims to make ePrivacy and GDPR compliance easy and quick to implement. The CookieFirst platform offers third-party script and consent management, statistics, periodic cookie scans, automated cookie declaration, banner customization, multiple language options, and more. Avoid large fines and get consent before loading third-party tracking scripts — try CookieFirst!