You want to make sure that you obtain valid cookie consent. There are lots of rules and regulations to take into account. With a Consent Management Platform like CookieFirst you can make cookie compliance easy.
Start collecting valid cookie consent & secure your compliance!
Cookie Banner and Consent Management Platform
- Customizable cookie consent banner
- Easily compliant with the GDPR, ePrivacy, CCPA and more
- Manage your cookies and third-party scripts
- View consent statistics and optimize your opt-in rate
Periodic Cookie Scan (cookies and local storage)
- 40+ languages supported
- Consent data processing & storage in EU datacenters
Trusted by organisations of all sizes – all around the globe

Use cookie consent for GDPR compliance
Third-party script blocking
The CookieFirst portal offers users an easy way to monitor, manage and block their website’s usage of third-party scripts. After signing up for an account, you’ll be able to specify the services that your website uses and control which ones are blocked before website visitors give consent.
Consent audit trail
With CookieFirst, every visit users make to your website is logged and stored in an encrypted database. The Plus plan gives you the ability to access audit trails of their consent history and see their status at any given time, while the base plan allows you to download data as a CSV.
CookieFirst CMP offers:
- Automated Cookie Consent
- Periodic Cookie Scans
- Dynamic Cookie Policy
- Google Tag Manager & Google Consent Mode integration
- Customize Cookie Banner text and styling
- Opt-in rate optimization
- Java Script API (integrations and self-hosted cookie banner)
- Compliant with GDPR, ePrivacy, LGPD, CCPA, PDPA and many more…
… and lots of other features
Compatible with all kinds of web technologies

Make your website compliant in minutes…
Cookie Consent for GDPR | Take a 2 week free trial
Take a 2 week free trial for our subscriptions …
Obtain consent before loading third-party tracking scripts
Google Consent Mode
CookieFirst also integrates with Google Consent Mode and Google Tag Manager.
Cookie consent
Custom cookie consent for your site. Be fully compliant with the GDPR, LGPD and CCPA quick and easily
Monitor consent statistics
We scan and let you monitor your visitor’s consent for third party scripts on your site.
Cookie consent manager
Easily integrate and manage all your cookies on your site with the CookieFirst platform.
Quick and easy set-up
Simply replace all your tracking and third party scripts with our single code snippet or install the plugin.
Granular opt-in
Enable your website visitors to give consent with a granular opt-in for the third-party cookies you use.
Logged consent
Your visitor’s consents are logged and placed in an anonymous and encrypted database.
Pricing after Free Trial
€ 9
Per Month / Domain
Our plans have a ‘soft limit’ of 300.000 page views per domain per month (including an additional overuse of 25% on two consecutive months) – If you have lots of domains and / or traffic, please contact us about a custom offer.
- All Third party scripts
- Cookie banner or box
- Monthly cookie scan
- Multiple languages
- Support response <72 hrs*
- External collaborators
- Banner customization
- White label banner
- Consent statistics
- Cookiescan reports
White label panelConsent audit trailsOpt-in rate optimizationScanner settingsIAB TCF 2.2 Support
€ 19
Per Month / Domain
Our plans have a ‘soft limit’ of 300.000 page views per domain per month (including an additional overuse of 25% on two consecutive months) – If you have lots of domains and / or traffic, please contact us about a custom offer.
- All Third party scripts
- Cookie banner or box
- Monthly cookie scan
- Multiple languages
- Support response <24 hrs*
- External collaborators
- Banner customization
- White label banner
- Consent statistics
- Cookiescan reports
- White label panel
- Consent audit trails
- Opt-in rate optimization
- Scanner settings
- IAB TCF 2.2 Support
€ N/A
Per Month- Do you have a lot of domains and / or specific requirements? We offer tailored enterprise solutions with extensive api integration support.
€ 8,25
Per Month / Domain€99 Per Year / Domain

Our plans have a ‘soft limit’ of 250.000 page views per domain per month (including an additional overuse of 25% on two consecutive months) – If you have lots of domains and / or traffic, please contact us about a custom offer.
- All Third party scripts
- Cookie banner or box
- Monthly cookie scan
- Multiple languages
- Support response <72 hrs*
- External collaborators
- Banner customization
- White label banner
- Consent statistics
- Cookiescan reports
White label panelConsent audit trailsOpt-in rate optimizationScanner settingsIAB TCF 2.2 Support
€ 17,42
Per Month / Domain€209 Per Year / Domain

Our plans have a ‘soft limit’ of 250.000 page views per domain per month (including an additional overuse of 25% on two consecutive months) – If you have lots of domains and / or traffic, please contact us about a custom offer.
- All Third party scripts
- Cookie banner or box
- Monthly cookie scan
- Multiple languages
- Support response <24 hrs*
- External collaborators
- Banner customization
- White label banner
- Consent statistics
- Cookiescan reports
- White label panel
- Consent audit trails
- Opt-in rate optimization
- Scanner settings
- IAB TCF 2.2 Support
€ N/A
Per Monthor Per Year
- Do you have a lot of domains and / or specific requirements? We offer tailored enterprise solutions with extensive api integration support.
Prices are ex VAT
*Support response times on business days
Frequently asked questions
What does CookieFirst do?
We provide GDPR, LGPD and CCPA compliant cookie banners and consent managing solutions for websites. In a few minutes you can set up a compliant cookie banner and policy for your website and rebrand it in your favourite styles. Stop worrying about your website’s compliance to the GDPR and the CCPA we handle that for you. Simply select the third party services you use, upload our scripts to your website et voila.
What is the GDPR legislation?
The General Data Protection Regulation is in effect since the 25th of May 2018. Later this year (2019) the ePrivacy act will be in play as well. These two regulations are meant to guarantee and protect the personal data privacy of EU citizens.
Among other things this legislation means that website owners need to be fully aware of the cookies and third party tracking technology used on their website.
What cookies is my website using?
Every website, blog or ecommerce shop is different, so there is no specific list of cookies that every site uses.
Start the Free Trial and scan your website for free and get a list of all the cookies and other tracking technologies in use on your website. Then, if you install the CookieFirst CMP, you can automatically block use of those cookies and trackers until you obtain valid user consent, depending on which privacy regulations you need to comply with.
You can also use the list of the cookies in use on your website to populate your Privacy Policy to provide the accurate and required information to users about your data processing activities.
Does my website need a cookie notice and policy?
Most of the websites need a cookie banner and policy. In short if you use any of the following your website probably needs a compliant cookie banner and policy:
- Social media buttons
- Youtube videos or other third party video embeds
- Remarketing
- Goal tracking in Adwords, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others
- Advertising
- A/B Testing for marketing purposes.
Is a cookie notice and policy only needed for EU websites?
The GDPR applies not only to EU websites but to all organisations websites who serve users from the EU or monitor the behaviour of EU data subjects. So whatever the location of your business, if your website processes data from subjects residing in the European Union you’ll have to comply with the GDPR regulation.
Where are your servers located?
The consent data is processed and stored on servers in the EU. (Germany and France) Our sub processors for storage, processing and CDN are EU-based and EU-owned companies.
What is your pricing after the free trial?
€ 9
Per Month / Domain
Our plans have a ‘soft limit’ of 300.000 page views per domain per month (including an additional overuse of 25% on two consecutive months) – If you have lots of domains and / or traffic, please contact us about a custom offer.
- All Third party scripts
- Cookie banner or box
- Monthly cookie scan
- Multiple languages
- Support response <72 hrs*
- External collaborators
- Banner customization
- White label banner
- Consent statistics
- Cookiescan reports
White label panelConsent audit trailsOpt-in rate optimizationScanner settingsIAB TCF 2.2 Support
€ 19
Per Month / Domain
Our plans have a ‘soft limit’ of 300.000 page views per domain per month (including an additional overuse of 25% on two consecutive months) – If you have lots of domains and / or traffic, please contact us about a custom offer.
- All Third party scripts
- Cookie banner or box
- Monthly cookie scan
- Multiple languages
- Support response <24 hrs*
- External collaborators
- Banner customization
- White label banner
- Consent statistics
- Cookiescan reports
- White label panel
- Consent audit trails
- Opt-in rate optimization
- Scanner settings
- IAB TCF 2.2 Support
€ N/A
Per Month- Do you have a lot of domains and / or specific requirements? We offer tailored enterprise solutions with extensive api integration support.
€ 8,25
Per Month / Domain€99 Per Year / Domain

Our plans have a ‘soft limit’ of 250.000 page views per domain per month (including an additional overuse of 25% on two consecutive months) – If you have lots of domains and / or traffic, please contact us about a custom offer.
- All Third party scripts
- Cookie banner or box
- Monthly cookie scan
- Multiple languages
- Support response <72 hrs*
- External collaborators
- Banner customization
- White label banner
- Consent statistics
- Cookiescan reports
White label panelConsent audit trailsOpt-in rate optimizationScanner settingsIAB TCF 2.2 Support
€ 17,42
Per Month / Domain€209 Per Year / Domain

Our plans have a ‘soft limit’ of 250.000 page views per domain per month (including an additional overuse of 25% on two consecutive months) – If you have lots of domains and / or traffic, please contact us about a custom offer.
- All Third party scripts
- Cookie banner or box
- Monthly cookie scan
- Multiple languages
- Support response <24 hrs*
- External collaborators
- Banner customization
- White label banner
- Consent statistics
- Cookiescan reports
- White label panel
- Consent audit trails
- Opt-in rate optimization
- Scanner settings
- IAB TCF 2.2 Support
€ N/A
Per Monthor Per Year
- Do you have a lot of domains and / or specific requirements? We offer tailored enterprise solutions with extensive api integration support.
Prices are ex VAT
*Support response times on business days
Can I cancel my free trial?
Yes, at any time you can cancel your free trial or your subscription plan if you previously signed up. You can do this in your CookieFirst account.
Digital Data Solutions B.V. (CookieFirst)
Plantage Middenlaan 42a
1018DH, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
REGISTRATION – Dutch Chamber of Commerce
Submission to Dutch Trade Register.
Register ID: 75762277
VAT ID: NL860388141B01